August 5 in retrospect: A narrow escape from total surrender to autocracy
Freedom is not free. We should never forget that our students and young people have paid for it with pools…
Freedom is not free. We should never forget that our students and young people have paid for it with pools…
আমি একে তৃণমূল পর্যায়ে তারুণ্যের বিপ্লব হিসেবে দেখি। গণ-অভ্যুত্থানের মতো এ আন্দোলনে কর্তৃত্ববাদ শাসনের বিরুদ্ধে জনসাধারণের বৃহত্তর অংশের স্বতঃস্ফূর্ততা থাকলেও…
What is the epistemic value of the hundreds of books and other knowledge products about Bangabandhu? Who is going to…
The claim of a military-led coup is completely nonsense, detached from reality and demonstrates a troubling lack of understanding of…
এটা সবাই জানি যে আন্দোলন দমনে অস্ত্র দিয়ে ছাত্রলীগ ও যুবলীগকে মাঠে নামানো হয়েছিল। সেগুলো এখন কীভাবে ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে বা…
We must be vigilant so that Hasina-style misrule can visit our land never again.
The non-involvement of professors in significant research and scholarship has far-reaching consequences. It negatively affects the quality of instruction they…
Time has not forgiven him for his racist and imperialist views
Whether the Indian opposition will use its power to scrutinize Modi’s regional foreign policy and India-Bangladesh relations remains to be…
Several factors lead to backsliding, including polarization of the electorate. Divisions based on ideology are common in democracies, but they…